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AVKS works to improve quality of life of persons with disability by providing opportunities to receive appropriate education, basic health services and sustainable livelihood. We Endeavour to mainstream socioeconomic deprived and excluded disabled people through building community based participative support system.
At the AVKS, we believe that developing strong partnership with like minded organizations, NGOs, national and international agencies is the most efficient way to achieve our mission. We appeal all of you to be part of our programs through donations, building partnership and sponsorship to needy people lead towards main stream disabled people and provide a dignified life.
President’s NoteAt AVKS, our primary focus is to eradicate the stigma of "vikalang" from the society through community participatory approach and social awareness. We strive to create opportunities for persons with disabilities to enable them to be self- reliant, confident and have a dignified life.
It is my privilege to shrare that we have been making an incessant attempt towards sustainable development of the disadvantaged and disadvantaged community people.
AVKS has made efforts to enable marginalized sections of the society such as deprived women, uncared disabled and other underprivileged people of Jhabua and Alirajpur districts of Madhya Pradesh to lead a dignified life. AVKS’ philosophy has always been, and will be, to concentrate its efforts on working directly at the grass root level. In fact by working at the grass root level, AVKS on one hand tried to address the socio-economic development needs of the community in order to empower them towards quality of life and on the other hand played advocacy role to protect the rights of the disadvantaged community people. During this year, AVKS focused more on economic empowerment of youth through employable skill enhancement program and awareness about human rights. AVKS has been continued other regular programs viz. Community awareness, rehabilitation of disadvantaged people, networking meetings with various government departments and capacity building of project team etc.
Kamalesh Rathore
AVKS came in to existence to safeguard and welfare of the disadvantaged and differently abled people. Read more
Azad Viklang Kalyan Samiti
AKVN Aerea, Opp: RK.Minerals, Meghnagar
District Jhabua, M.P Pin-457 779